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Connecting to BalanceAI Network in SubWallet App

# SubWallet App

The first step is to download the extension or the wallet app if you don't already have it installed. Be sure to access the wallet app via

1. ClickOnce on the website, download the wallet as you prefer, whether for the browser extension, your device (iOS or Android), or the desktop version.

For this example we are using extension. Step 1 screenshot

2. WebApp, Extension and Mobile.

If you are installing the browser extension, make sure to select your default browser to execute the installation.

Step 2 screenshot

3. Next steps , downloading and installing

# SubWallet App

4. Adding BalanceAI Network in SubWallet Appboard

The step of adding networks to the wallet is the same across extensions, devices, and the web app. We are doing it from the web app for a broader and clearer view, but the steps and the elements to select are exactly the same.

Step 4 screenshot

5. Click on Welcome to SubWallet!…

Step 5 screenshot

6. Click on Connect wallet…

Step 6 screenshot

7. Click on Connect wallet…

It will request access to the wallet via the password you set during its creation.

Step 7 screenshot

8. Click All accounts

Make sure you are connected by clicking on "All Accounts" and verifying that the connection has been established correctly.

Step 8 screenshot

9. Close this panel after verification

Step 9 screenshot

10. Click on Settings

Step 10 screenshot

11. Click on Manage networks

Step 11 screenshot

12. Click on (+) to import new networks

Step 12 screenshot

13. Insert "wss://" into Provider URL input

Step 13 screenshot

14. Insert "" into Block explorer input

Step 14 screenshot

15. Click on Save

Step 15 screenshot

16. Type "BalanceAI"

To verify that the network has been added correctly, type "BalanceAI" in the search bar, and make sure that the toggle is in "On" mode, meaning it is connected.

Step 16 screenshot

17. Double verification

If you click on the edit icon, which is the pencil, the network configuration fields should look like this.

Step 17 screenshot